Orkish Book of Wizdom

Monday, January 21, 2008

passing time

Kinda loving the weather right now. It's not too cold, and its rainy. While it's not my lovely stormy rain with delicious thunder and orgasmic flashes of lovely lightning, it is that slow root soaking rain that prepares my plants for the coming warmth of Spring... which is still a few months away.

Despite that, I am already planning my upcoming growing season. I put a butterfly bush out on the corner where I am going to spread Cosmos seeds in another month, and I'm going to let that corner grow wild, bushy, and full of flowers. I also picked up some Bearded Iris bulbs - Full Tide, a nice blue iris, that I'll plant near the front door so my sweetie can see them every day. I got a couple of Clematis' (President) which is a nice purple one. I'm not 100% sure where I'm planting them yet... maybe over the sidewalk. I'm planning on pulling up the hedges alongside the sidewalk to the front door. They were planted too close to the sidewalk and you either drag through them, or I have to trim them in an ugly manner and still they drag at you. So I'll move them out the sidewalk along the street... if the survive the transplant.

Then I'm going to do a bucket garden. I've got Genovese Basil, Rosemary, Cilantro, Common Thyme, and Spearmint. Later, I'll pick up peppers and tomatoes. For the area under the overgrowth at the high end of the yard next to the neighbors fence, I'll be dropping in catnip for the kitties and morning glories (Heavenly Blue) for me! I need to get a load of Dillo Dirt before I start, so that's my next task.

We have a family of racoons in the attic... going to try to get rid of them with lights and mothballs. We may also have some rats. Last night, standing outside my front door, I saw a movement out of the corner of my eye. I stared up through the trees at the location I thought I saw it, and after a couple of minutes, I see the movement again - a rat, running across the electrical line from the house. It ran halfway out to the street on the powerline, jumped into a tree, and then down across the fence to the neighbors yard. I really hope we don't have rats too.

I guess College Boy has picked up a 'fan'... last week my sweetie said someone had dumped something on College Boy's car. Yesterday, after being woken by an hour of him dry heaving in the upstairs bathroom, I find out someone had smashed in his passenger side window. Now he's driving mom's car... not sure how that's going to go over. Nothing for me to do... I don't exist in his world.

Work is slow... got kept through the 7 o'clock movies tonight 'just in case'... but we weren't needed. It did give me an 8 hour shift, so I'm not complaining. With only four days this week, I need to get as close to 8 hours a day as possible.Still missing my sweetie... having all the blankets to myself and not waking up cold in the middle of the night because someone else has taken them all just feels... wrong. *sigh* I need someone to listen to my snoring *winks and chuckles*

'k... guess that is all for now. Kisses for my Goddess, and warmth for the rest of you!


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